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Personalised Sports Kits by Teejac Sports Ltd
High-quality personalised sports kits
No matter the game, personalised sports kits can help your team stand out and build a strong shared identity that lets you play better at every turn. As a market-leading kit supplier, Teejac works tirelessly to provide bespoke solutions in various styles and colours; every logo that we print also has excellent clarity. Our embroidery team works alongside you to figure out what design your team would most enjoy – decorating the kit exactly as they want it. These kits are a great way to boost teamwork so it’s paramount you choose a kit design every player is likely to enjoy.
Help your players stand out
Though these custom kits help promote teamwork, they can also help players to stand out whilst on the field. This makes it easier for them to identify one another in the heat of a busy game and also allows them to retain their individuality. For example, they might want a nickname on their shirt instead of just a surname – make sure that you ask your team what they would prefer before committing to a design. Keeping your players involved in the decision-making process also shows them how much you appreciate their contributions outside the game.
Perfect for all players
Teejac’s personalised sports kits are available for teams of all kinds – including school football teams and other youth clubs. You don’t have to run a team in order to buy a custom kit; you might just want to support a family member who has a big game coming up. We have many options that accommodate players of different sports, alongside a range of sizes. With our commitment to customisation, you can make sure that every player enjoys a bespoke kit; this is why amateur and professional teams trust us to provide high-quality custom sportswear.
- Mae Chwaraeon Teejac wedi bod yn gyflenwyr blaenllaw mewn citiau chwaraeon dros y 14 mlynedd diwethaf, gan ddarparu dillad o ansawdd uchel wedi eu teilwra at anghenion y cwsmer.Fel cyflenwyr, mae Teejac yn arbenigo mewn dillad a chitiau chwaraeon, hwdis personol, hwdis prifysgol a chitiau tîm, megis citiau Rygbi, Pêl-droed, Pêl-fasged, a llawer mwy.Gall Teejac ofalu am holl anghenion dylunio eich dillad chwaraeon. Gallant eu dylunio fel eu bod yn cydlynu gyda lliwiau a chynllun eich tîm, o’r dillad ar y cae i’r hwdis personol oddi ar y cae, neu i gyd fynd gyda beth bynnag y bo’ch anghenion.Fel cyflenwyr, mae Teejac yn ymrwymedig i fod yn gwmni y gall eu cwsmeriaid ymddiried ynddo, a dyna pam felly ein bod yn darparu cyngor a gwybodaeth o’r radd flaenaf i’n cwsmeriaid, yn ogystal â sicrhau bod y citiau tîm a’r dillad personol o ansawdd uchel ac am brisiau cystadleuol. Mae hyn, ynghyd â’r amrywiaeth o nwyddau a’r gallu diddiwedd i wireddu eich gweledigaeth, wedi sicrhau ein bod yn arwain y farchnad yn y maes yma.Gall pob un o’n cynhyrchion, megis hwdis Prifysgol, citiau tîm Rygbi a Phêl-droed ac ati, gael eu haddasu a’u personoli yn ôl eich dewis, drwy wahanol ffontiau, opsiynau brodwaith, llythrennau a rhifau. Gallwch hyrwyddo eich citiau tîm gydag enw eich tîm neu noddwr, neu gallwch nodi eich enw, ffugenw neu logo ar eich hwdis personol neu hwdis Prifysgol.Mae’r argraffu a’r brodwaith yn cael ei wneud i gyd yn fewnol yn Teejac, felly rydym yn goruchwylio’r gwaith ein hunain ac yn sicrhau ei fod yn cwrdd â’n safonau uchel. Yn ogystal â hyn mae gennym ystod eang o stoc ar gael mewn pob math o liwiau, ac felly ni fydd rhaid disgwyl yn hir o gwbl am eich archeb. Mae’r dillad ar gael mewn meintiau ar gyfer oedolion a phlant, boed yn dîm ysgol, neu’n glwb proffesiynol.
Team Shop
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Free Delivery
Free delivery on all orders orders over £300. Standard delivery varies depending on order, please call for more information.
Club shop
View our Club shop for examples of our University Hoodies, team football kits, etc.
All sportswear logos and printing are completed by us onsite to our high standards.
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